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ROTOR Plateau ATV Internal 27 teeth 64 EA Black

ROTOR Plateau ATV Internal 27 teeth 64 EA Black


50,99 €

UVP : 80,00 € (15)


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50,99 €

Verkauft von Alltricks


Trays oval Qrings - spacing 64

Internal 64 - Openwork Black 27 teeth

Compatible with Shimano pedals double and triple - Distance 64
Compatible with pedals Agilis Rotor 3D/3D + and 3G, triple XC3 - Distance 64

Changes necessary for cranks SRAM 104/64 (on trays or Sram Star)

These models allow to benefit cyclists to enjoy the benefits of Q-Rings by proposing a set of double tray designed to be mounted on a triple crankset spacing 104/64.

Q-Rings reduce the harmful effect of neutral due to their oval shape. Why use round trays while the strength that we are able to apply on a pedal cycle is not constant? When the dead come, then the crown is its smaller diameter allowing to pass more easily, more quickly and with greater flexibility. As soon as you exceed the breakeven point in the pedaling cycle, the diameter of Q-Ring increases gradually until present the biggest development when your muscles can deliver their maximum power.

The oval crowns have already tried to make their way a few years ago, and have been widely criticized, but do not be fooled: the rotor concept is exactly the opposite of its ovoid ancestors. Indeed, among the old oval platters offered some maximum lever arm at the neutral (this concept only increased stress muscles and was therefore the reverse from the QRINGS technology ROTOR). The shape of crowns Q-Rings is particularly studied. The Qrings you will gain strength, endurance, in traction and reduce joint stress on your joints. The results have convinced many practitioners more natural pedaling, less fatigue limit, muscles less traumatized to you to try ...

  • Spacing: 64
  • Size: 27 teeth
  • Weight checked Alltricks: 28 gr



Position Internal
BCD 64
Vitesse 10





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